About Me

I am a PhD student in the Department of Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Prof. Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau and Prof. Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau. My research interest lies in distributed systems including serverless computing, consensus problems, and blockchain systems.


Work Experience

Software Engineer Intern @ Meta Inc

Worked in FAST Notification ML Team in summer 2020. Projects include developing a new notification type (full-stack), adding logging for analysis on notifications, and creating a new data pipeline. Worked in the Warm Storage Team in summer 2021. Project is to extend the stress testing tool to perform durability testing under various conditions. Worked in the Malware Analysis Infra Team in summer 2022. Project is to create user-friendly interfaces for analyzing malware reports.

Software Development Engineer Intern @ Amazon Inc

Worked in Amazon Prime Video Resilience Engineering team in summer 2019. My intern project was to automatically set up monitors for service endpoints that notify service owners when their endpoints are about to be overloaded.

Director/Program Manager @ AoCMM

Association of Computational and Mathematical Modeling (AoCMM) is a non-profit organization aiming to provide students all around the world a chance to learn and experience an important academic skill, math modeling. Worked on the operation and maintenance of the official website and holding the annual competition (including contacting sponsorship, judges, problem making, etc). I also worked as a public relation to promote AoCMM before becoming the director.