Redundancy Does Not Imply Fault Tolerance


This paper analyzes how modern distributed storage systems behave in presence of filesystem failures such as data corruption and read/write errors. It analyzes a simple fault model where exactly a single fault is injected to a single filesystem block in a single node. Faults are injected to application-level on-disk structures since filesystems can independently guard their own metadata. The type of faults injected are summarized in the table below.

This paper introduces CORDS, a fault injection framework consisting of two parts: errfs, a FUSE filesystem, and errbench, a set of workloads and behavior inference script. For the purpose of this analysis (distributed storage system), errbench consists of only two workloads: read an existing data item, and insert or update a data item.

Fault injection is done by errfs, which the applications will run on. The system will be initialized to a known state by inserting a few data items without any error. Then future workloads may encounter data corruptions or error injected by errfs, which will also update the data blocks accordingly. Notice that the bugs generated by errfs can occur on XFS and all ext filesystems. But filesystems like btrfs and ZFS employ checksums for user data so block corruption will not occur in them.

CORDS then observes the system behavior and compares with 4 expected behaviors: 1. committed data should not be lost; 2. queries should not silently return corrupted data; 3. cluster should be available for reads and writes; 4. queries should not fail after retries. It also analyzes the local behavior of the faulty node and its global effect.


This paper studies 8 widely-used distributed storage systems: Redis, ZooKeeper, Cassandra, Kafka, RethinkDB, MangoDB, LogCabin, and CockroachDB. It runs each system on a cluster of 3 nodes. Figures below show the results.

All distributed storage systems studied shows different levels of vulnerabilities to filesystem failures. From this study, this paper draws 5 main observations:

Systems employ diverse data integrity strategies. Figure below shows different strategies employed by these distributed systems to ensure data integrity. Some systems like ZooKeeper protect their data against corruptions in the storage stack through checksums, while systems like RethinkDB completely trust the storage stack. Yet despite the use of different strategies to protect data integrity, all systems exhibit undesired behaviors in presence of data corruption due to their designs (e.g. ZooKeeper uses checksum algorithms that are not collision resistant for short strings).

Local Behavior: Faults are often undetected; even detected, crashing is the most common local reaction. Upon detecting faults, the system simply crashes in most cases. By design, such single point failures does not immediately affect availability in distributed storage systems and only leads to reduced redundancy. The study also observes that nodes are more prone to crashes on error than corruptions. Another observation is that failed operations are rarely retried. This is controversial as on the one hand, retry can help in several cases. But on the other hand, indefinitely retrying can cause other problems.

Redundancy is underutilized: a single fault can have disastrous cluster-wide effects. All the distributed systems studied achieves good availability through redundancy, but only few of them use the intact replicas to recover the corrupted / lost data. Two exceptions are MangoDB and LogCabin, where a node with data corruption will become a follower that can recover its data from the leader. Another observation is that an inordinate amount of data can be affected when only a small portion of data is faulty, e.g. in Kafka, if some data block in the log is corrupted, all subsequent log entries are discarded.

Crash and corruption handling are entangled. All the distributed storage systems studied runs the crash recovery code upon detecting a checksum mismatch due to corruption, which can lead to undesired effects such as data loss. One example is in Kafka, where all entries after a corrupted entry in a log are discarded. LogCabin and MangoDB tries to differentiate data corruption from crashes, but their attempts do not always yield the correct result.

Nuances in commonly used distributed protocols can spread corruption or data loss. One outstanding example is in Cassandra. When the leader sees that the followers have a different copy from its local copy, it chooses the copy with latest timestamp. But in presence of data corruption, both copies will have the same timestamp, in which the tie will be broken lexically. Hence if the corrupted data is lexically greater, it will be spread to other replicas and corrupt their copies.

Ganesan, Aishwarya, et al. “Redundancy does not imply fault tolerance: Analysis of distributed storage reactions to single errors and corruptions.” 15th {USENIX} Conference on File and Storage Technologies ({FAST} 17). 2017.

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