


Basil is a transactional, leaderless, Byzantine fault tolerant key-value store. It leverages ACID transactions to achieve scalability in implementing the shared log in the presence of Byzantine actors. It allows non-conflicting operations to proceed concurrently.

Basil assumes partial synchrony for liveness. It uses sharding to allow for concurrent execution. In Basil, each shard, with size of $n$, can tolerate up to $f$ Byzantine actors where $n\ge 5f+1$. An arbitrary number of clients can be faulty. However, despite the presence of Byzantine actors, Basil assumes that they are well-behaved in most cases. It achieves high performance in the benign cases, allowing a transaction to commit within 1 RTT in the best case.

This paper introduces two notions of correctness, which they lay the foundations for Basil on: Byzantine isolation and Byzantine independence. Byzantine isolation, or Byz-serializability, states that clients will observe a sequence of states that is consistent with a sequential execution of concurrent transactions. Byzantine independence, on the other hand, states that for every operations issued by a correct client, no group of participants containing solely Byzantine actors can unilaterally dictate the result of this operation (i.e. the no decision can be made by Byzantine actors only). Basil’s design follows the principle of independent operability, meaning that it enforces safety and liveness through mechanisms that operate on a per-client and per-transaction basis. This allows the clients to fetch all necessary information and send them to replicas to make the decision: clients serve as the leader to coordinate operations and no communication is needed directly between any pair of replicas in most cases.

Transaction Processing

In Basil, an operation proceeds in 3 phases, an Execution phase, a Prepare phase, and a Writeback phase. During the Execution phase, the client locally executes individual transactional operations. The result is broadcasted to all replicas in each involved shards during the Prepare phase for vote. The vote results are aggregated to determine the outcome of the transaction to create a certificate, which is forwarded to replicas in the Writeback phase, after which the replicas can proceed asynchronously to complete the operations.

Basil’s serialization protocol is a variant of multiversioned timestamp ordering (MVTSO), an optimistic concurrency control protocol. The traditional MVTSO works as following: each transaction is assigned a unique timestamp that determines the serialization order. Entries written in this transaction are tagged with this timestamp, and reads in this transaction updates the corresponding entries’ read timestamp (RTS). MVTSO ensures that, for each transaction with timestamp $ts_1$, writing an object with RTS $ts_2>ts_1$ will fail (write after a future read), and reading an object always returns a version tagged $ts_3<ts_1$.

In Execution phase, a client constructs a transaction $T$ locally with one call to begin() and several read(key) and write(key, value) calls. begin() adds a client chosen timestamp $ts_T$ for MVTSO. Since committing a transaction with huge timestamp can block future execution indefinitely, each replica accepts a transaction only if the difference between this timestamp and the replica’s local timestamp is bounded by some $\delta$. Basil buffers all write(key, value) locally in a $WriteSet_T$ and they are not visible to the replicas until the Prepare phase. As for read(key), the client sends a read request <READ, key, $ts_T$> to at least $2f+1$ replicas in the shard the key belongs. Each replica will check if this request has a valid timestamp. If it does, each replica locally updates the corresponding key’s RTS with this timestamp and returns two versions, the committed version and the prepared version. The committed version will come with a commit certificate and the prepared version comes with the id of transaction $T’$ that creates this version as well as a set $Dep_{T’}$ including all transactions that should commit before $T’$. The client considers a committed version as valid if any replica provides a valid commit certificate and it considers a prepared version as valid if the same version is returned by at least $f+1$ replicas. It selects a valid version with the highest timestamp to add to its $ReadSet_T$. If the version is prepared but not committed, it also adds $T’$ to $Dep_T$.

After the Execution phase completes, Basil proceeds to the Prepare phase, which consists of a stage 1 and an optional stage 2. In stage 1, the client sends the entire transaction $T$ to all replicas in all shards involved in $T$, including $ts_T$, $ReadSet_T$, $WriteSet_T$, and $Dep_T$. Each replica then locally runs MVTSO to check if $T$ can be committed. Specifically, it votes for commit if (1). $ts_T$ is valid, (2). all versions in $ReadSet_T$ are before $ts_T$, (3). all entries touched in $WriteSet_T$ have an RTS before $ts_T$, (4). it does not conflict with another on-going transaction, and (5). all transactions in $Dep_T$ are committed (it waits until they are either committed or aborted). Then the replicas forward their decisions to the client, who will determine (1) if $T$ should be committed or aborted, and (2) if stage 2 is needed.

Stage 2 is intended to make the transaction $T$ durable. Here durability means that, if in the future another client queries about $T$, it will see the same result (committed or aborted) as the client issuing this request. For the replies from replicas within any shard, the client checks for following:

  1. Commit Slow Path: $3f+1\le\text{Commit votes}<5f+1$. Here $3f+1$ commit votes ensures that two conflict transactions cannot both commit ($2\times(3f+1)-n=f+1>f$).
  2. Commit Fast Path: $\text{Commit votes}=5f+1$. In this case all replicas reports a conflict and any client will be guaranteed to receive at least $3f+1$ commit votes. Notice that when $n=5f+1$, a client will wait on responses from $4f+1$ replicas to preserve liveness in presence of network-partitioned faulty replicas, amongst which $f$ of them may be Byzantine actors.
  3. Abort Slow Path: $f+1\le\text{Abort votes}<3f+1$. Here $f+1$ abort votes ensure that at least one correct replica detects a conflict. Notice that a transaction may still be committed in this case: there can be more than $3f+1$ replicas voting for commit and another $f+1$ replicas voting for abort ($3f+1+f+1=4f+2\le5f+1=n$). This is allowed since the equivocation may come from network delays.
  4. Abort Fast Path: $3f+1\le\text{Abort votes}$. In this case, the shard cannot produce more than $3f+1$ commit votes ($n-(3f+1)+f=3f<3f+1$).
  5. Abort Fast Path: one special case is for the abort fast path is that if a replica can provide the commit certificate for a transaction conflicting with $T$. In this case, since committed transactions (and hence their certificates) are durable, aborting $T$ is also durable.

If all shards proceed in the commit fast path or at least one shard proceeds in the abort fast path, then the decision is already durable and stage 2 is not necessary. Otherwise the client proceeds to stage 2.

In stage 2, the client chooses a shard voted in stage 1 deterministically based on $T$’s id to log the decision. We refer to this shard as $S_{log}$. The client will send its decision to commit or abort along with the votes it received in stage 1. It then waits for $n-f$ replies with the same decision that the corresponding replicas will log locally. Finally, the client can proceed to the Writeback phase, during which it constructs a commit certificate or abort certificate and broadcasts it to all replicas in the participating shards.


Creating signatures is expensive. Basil proposes to reduce the cost by batching replies. The idea is to batch multiple replies and generate a Merkle tree for each batch. Then, each reply message will include the root of Merkle tree, a signed version of the root, and the intermediate nodes necessary to get from the reply message to the root instead of the signature of the reply itself. Later when the client forwards the signature to another replica, that replica will, upon successfully verifying the signature on the Merkle root, cache the Merkle root and signature locally so that it does not need to verify it again when receiving another signature from the same batch.

Transaction Recovery

Since Basil is client-driven, a transaction may stall in the presence of Byzantine clients. This may block the other transactions issued by correct clients depending on this transaction indefinitely, breaking Byzantine independence. To prevent this, Basil allows other clients to finish the stalled transaction through a fallback protocol. In the common case, the replicas can reach a unanimous agreement on whether the transaction should be committed or aborted, so the client can simply resume from where the transaction was left off with.

However, there is a special divergent case where the replicas may not reach an unanimous agreement. This can only happen in one case: after stage 1 of prepare phase, within a shard, over $3f+1$ replicas vote commit and over $f+1$ replicas vote abort. At this point (during stage 2), a malicious client has enough votes to commit and to abort the transaction, so it can deliberately send different decisions to different replicas to stall the execution. Similarly, if there are multiple clients trying to finish the transaction concurrently, they may reach different decisions, leading to the same result.

Basil’s fallback protocol is similar to traditional view-change protocols. In Basil, views are defined on a per-transaction basis, with $view=0$ indicating that the message is issued by the original client that initiates the transaction. The fallback protocol (in both common and divergent case) starts with client sending a Recovery Prepare (RP) message that is identical to stage 1 request. Depending where the transaction was left off, the replicas will reply with a stage 1 reply message, stage 2 reply message, or a commit certificate or a abort certificate. In the common case, the client can resume directly from there. In the divergent case, on the other hand, the client will issue a special request InvokeFB to invoke the fallback process. In the stage 2 replies, each replica will attach its local highest view of this transaction. The client will include these view numbers in InvokeFB. Upon receiving InvokeFB, the replicas will update its current view accordingly and elect a fallback leader deterministically based on the current view. They will each send to the leader its local decision, and the leader, after receiving $4f+1$ votes, will make the final decision through majority vote, and return this final decision to all replicas. Replicas will then send a new stage 2 reply to clients interested in this transaction, who will continue to Writeback phase after receiving $n-f$ stage 2 replies with matching decision and view or restart fallback protocol otherwise.

It is worth noting that replicas within the same shard may not be on the same view for a certain transaction, in which case the fallback protocol does not produce a unanimous agreement and needs to restart. To enable fast convergence to the same view, Basil does the following: if a view $v$ appears at least $3f+1$ times in InvokeFB, the replica will update its current view to $max(v+1, view_{current})$; otherwise it sets its current view to the largest view greater than its current view that appears at least $f+1$ times in InvokeFB. Basil also adopts vote subsumption: the presence of a view $v$ in InvokeFB counts as a vote for all $v’\le v$.

Why $5f+1$?

Basil chooses $n\ge5f+1$ per shard for several reasons:

  1. For any $n$, a client will wait for $n-f$ replies for liveness. Among these, $n-2f$ of them may vote to commit the transaction while the rest $f$ may vote to abort due to equivocation caused by network delay (so the transaction cannot be aborted). Now consider two conflicting transactions, there may be only $2\times(n-2f)-n=n-4f$ replicas that see both transactions. If we do not have $n\ge5f+1$ (i.e. $n\le5f$), then $n-4f\le f$, meaning that it is possible that no correct replica will detect the two conflicting transactions.
  2. Smaller $n$ precludes Byzantine independence. For progress, after stage 1, the client has to be able to decide either to commit or to abort the transaction. As previously stated, committing requires at least $3f+1$ commit votes, and aborting requires at least $f+1$ abort votes due to Byzantine independence. If $n\le5f$, then with $n-f$ votes, it is possible that the client observes exactly $3f$ commit votes and $f$ abort votes, in which case the client cannot make progress.
  3. During the fallback protocol, the fallback leader’s decision is always safe. Consider two concurrent runs of the fallback protocol on the same transaction, if one run completes and all replicas reaches a unanimous decision, then in the other run, there will be at least $n-f$ replicas agreeing on this unanimous decision. Hence, out of the $4f+1$ votes the leader receives, at least $2f+1$ will agree on the unanimous decision, reaching a majority.


  • Basil integrates ACID transaction and concurrency control into its BFT protocol. Experiments show that this design provides significantly better performance in real-world workloads (e.g. TPCC) compared with traditional system design where the concurrency control is implemented as an application layer on top of BFT protocols like HotStuff and PBFT.
  • Basil delivers splendid performance when all actors are well-behaved and there are no conflicting transactions happening concurrently: in this case, all shards involved in the Prepare phase can go through the fast path and stage 2 is not needed at all, allowing the transaction to finish within 1 RTT if it is write-only (stage 1 request and reply; notice that client does not need to wait for the response in the Writeback phase). This is critical to its great performance especially since Basil can finish a transaction through the fast path 96% of the time in TPCC.
  • Due to its splendid performance (especially its low latency), in Basil, conflicting transactions are less likely to happen, making it less bottlenecked on contention.


  • The performance of Basil deviates far from state-of-the-art trusted replication protocols with concurrency control and sharding like TAPIR by huge margin. Many of the causes are inherent to all BFT protocols: the cost of generating signatures (Basil’s performance improves by $3.7\times$ to $4.6\times$ after removing all cryptography proofs); the cost to keep additional replicas (instead of $n\ge2f+1$ common in trusted replication systems); the additional read cost to preserve Byzantine independence ($f+1$ matching versions, etc).
  • Basil assumes $n\ge5f+1$ replicas per shard. This is a rather strong assumption compared with other BFT protocols such as HotStuff and PBFT ($n\ge3f+1$).
  • Since transactions are driven by clients in Basil, batching transactions is impossible. In its evaluation, this paper compares Basil to HotStuff with batch size of 16 and PBFT with batch size of 64, but in the original HotStuff paper uses a batch size of 100-400, leading to much higher throughput. Notice that, despite that larger batch size can lead to higher latency, throughput is more critical than latency in most BFT applications.
  • The experiment setup in this paper did not use geo-distributed machines: the network latency is low so contention is less likely to happen. In this setting, OCC provides great performance, whereas a real-world BFT system is likely to have more conflicts.

Florian Suri-Payer, Matthew Burke, Zheng Wang, Yunhao Zhang, Lorenzo Alvisi, and Natacha Crooks. 2021. Basil: Breaking up BFT with ACID (transactions). In Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 28th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–17. DOI: